Sunday, March 28, 2010
Running is bliss.
I set a new personal record this weekend at the Monument Avenue 10k, at 51:54 (8:21/mile pace).  This was with very little training, and just a lot of pushing myself.  There is no doubt I benefit from working at Endorphin, because I have learned proper run technique, proper breathing, and how to pace myself.  Speaking of endorphins, I had the best runner's high I've had in a while.  The people cheering mixed with passing thousands (literally) of people really motivated me and put me on cloud nine.  I wish now I would've started in an earlier wave and not stopped for so much water/powerade.

I can see 2010 as being the year of my first marathon, and am really considering joining the Richmond Marathon Training Team again.  This could benefit both my running and my wallet, as Endorphin offers all the strength and conditioning classes for the MTT runners.  What better way to train people then to actually train WITH them?

I am especially proud of all my EF Challenge participants.  Twelve weeks ago, jaws literally dropped when I mentioned them completing the 10k.  I can proudly say they all finished and it made me realize why I love my profession: to change people's lives.  I am happy most of them will be back for our Spring EFC, but am sadened this session is over.  The memories of these fine people gave me will be cherished.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Monument Avenue 10k, Richmond, VA
So, tomorrow morning I am running in the Ukrop's Monument Avenue 10k here in RIC.  It is one of the largest 10k's in the country with 37,000+ participants.  It makes me feel good that there are that many people in my hometown that care about fitness enough to even give it a shot.  I know most of them are doing it for the social aspect, but there is always that small percentage you know will get motivated by an event like this.

Anyways, I haven't decided if I am going to run hard or take it easy.  It is supposed to be 34 degrees at start time, so being cold in addition to my naturally competitive nature will probably have me off and running.

This is also a special day because it concludes the first Endorphin Fitness Challenge boot camp I have ever programmed.  This boot camp is designed to change people's lifestyles, and I know 12 weeks ago my group had serious doubts about running a 10k.  Now they can't stop talking about it and the excitement is apparent.  They have come so far and I am forever proud and grateful.

Wish me (us) luck!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Rock Climbing, last group class of Winter EFC :(

So tonight my fitness group and I visited Peak Experiences in Midlothian, VA. They are the premier rock climbing facility here and it was great to get this alternate full body workout. Everyone far exceeded my expectations and their goals. Very proud of them!

As far as my dog, Otie, he is spending the week with Jamie. Jamie's god mother is in town and is bringing her rat terrier, Penny. Otie + Penny = love. I can't imagine how much humping is going on.... :-O
Monday, March 22, 2010
A little more information
So, you're probably thinking to yourself, "Who the heck is this guy and why do I care about his life?" Good question, so let me tell you.

I have always been a big fan of sports and fitness, even playing baseball for a while in college. This passion of being at peak performance and seeing what the body is capable of becoming naturally pushed me into the field of personal training. My current employer has given me the title of Strength and Conditioning Specialist, and I must say it differentiates me from the competition, and helps attract clients I love working with (youth athletes). I graduated from Virginia Commonwealth University in 2009 with a degree in Exercise Physiology. Through this education I was able to become certified by the American College of Sports Medicine as a Health Fitness Specialist. There are some other certifications I am studying for, but this one allows me to train a broad range of clientele.

I now work at Endorphin Fitness, a sports performance training facility in Richmond, VA.  We primarily train triathletes and the 3 sports they participate in: swim, bike, and run.  Being a self proclaimed "anaerobic monster," it has been great working and training with coaches who can teach me a lot about endurance conditioning.  I have always been a recreational runner, but I was talked into trying a sprint triathlon.  Sprints consist of a 5k run, 20k bike, and a 300 m swim.......I don't know about this.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Why Hello There!
First off, I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Rusty Linville and I am currently a Personal Trainer here in the historic Richmond, Virginia. My life currently revolves around three own personal fitness, sharing fitness with those willing to learn, and my dog Otie.

The aim of this blog is to chronicle this specific time in my life, where a man has no other care in his life other than his proverbial "best friend." The fact that I lead a lifestyle of health, fitness, and a 'live green' mentality, will also produce some awesome stories.