Wow, where do I begin? The last week has been nothing but a roller coaster. What was looking like a summer full of personal records, my first triathlon, and expanding my training clientele, now looks as if it is all wasting away in front of me.
Thursday, May 6th, everything changed. During the class I have been participating in, I performed a running depth jump, landed off balance and awkwardly...and POP. There goes my ACL. With my background in athletics and training, I knew exactally what had happened. As I was landing, my leg planted into the ground, locking my knee out. The forward momentum I created propelled my body forward, over my locked out knee, causing it to bend backwards (hyperextend if you will). I hit the ground in ravishing pain, dropping nearly 10 F-bombs in 5 seconds, which felt like an eternity. 10 seconds later, the pain went away and my adrenaline took over.
The next day, I went and saw my orthopedic doctor, who actually is a triathlete who trains with us at Endophin. He confirmed my suspiscion of a torn ACL, and sent me on my merry way to get an MRI. Yesterday was the MRI, and I am waiting for a call back from Doc today to tell me if there is any other significant damage besides the ACL.
This is a tough time for me, with medical bills, sympathy from others (which I hate), explaining what I did a million times to everyone (which I hate even more), and worst of all my inability to be active (do I really need to tell you how much this bothers me?).
So, with surgery imminant, and summer on its way (oh, did I mention I am starting classes again this summer?), I really want to get the surgery over with ASAP and begin my road to recovery. Rehab should take 3-6 months post-op without any complications, maybe sooner than that considering the amount of strength I have in my legs to begin with. Can't wait to get this over with.