The past couple of weeks have been very busy for me, both at work and with my personal life. I was recently promoted to Director of Strength and Conditioning here at work, and I have been hard at work training myself.
The Spring EF Challenge is off to a good start. We have 15 people who seem very dedicated to changing their lives through fitness. This is the kind of stuff I live for. It motivates me and inspires me to see people finally making the change towards a healthy lifestyle. I am especially proud because two of those people are my parents. Now I can share my passion with them, which is twice as nice.
My triathlon training isn't going as well as I'd like. My first triathlon is May 23rd, the Ground Force IT Power Spint Triathlon in Midlothian, VA. The running and biking is fine, but the swimming is....eek. On a side note, my strength training has seen incredible gains (primarily because of my lack of endurance training). Lord knows I love to lift weights, more so than triathlons, so we'll see how things turn out. Either way, I'm positive I'll be able to do well on race day.
My birthday is in 2 days, and I have to say I'm not that excited. Not because I'm getting older and after 21 it just becomes depressing, but because 23 has no significance. It's not 25 or 30, no real milestone at 23. Kind of a limbo age of new beginnings if you will. And that's where I am. Starting a potential career, go back to school? Lost and confused a little about my future but everything seems to always work out!
Anyways, I have a potential client coming in soon for a consultation, and I am hard at work designing a work out program for Peak Experiences ( check them out!