Hey guys! We need your input!
In the upcoming weeks, there will be significant changes at Endorphin Fitness in our Strength and Conditioning Department. As many of you know, we’ve expanded our current space, doubling the size of our facility. We now have a complete triathlon shop in addition to our gym. We have also gained street front access from Patterson Avenue (after taking over what was formerly Mojo’s restaurant). With this expansion, we are able to upgrade our training...
facility and offer a one of a kind workout experience in Richmond. We are putting the final orders in, but wanted your input into what you want to see in our gym. Currently, we are ordering the following:
- Three (3) climbing ropes hanging from the ceiling
- Climbing net
- Two (2) new Treadmills
- Kettle bell set (5 lbs. to 70 lbs.)
- 30 total feet of Pull-up bars around the gym
- Two (2) additional TRX Suspension training bands
- Peg Board
- 50 lb. Heavy Bag (punching bag)
- Slam balls (medicine ball variation)
- Two (2) pairs of Olympic Rings
- Four (4) 100lb monster tires
- What else would you like to see?
Our goal is to create Richmond’s premier
FUNCTIONAL strength training facility. We want to use the best piece of equipment we have:
our own bodies. Your body is your #1 fitness machine, and we want to tap into your potential!
In addition to our personal training services, we are also offering a something new:
Personal Fitness Planning. With this option, we will design monthly workout plans, meal plans, or both, for optimum training results. These plans are designed specifically for you,
no stock plans. Personal training rates are 15% off with this option. Speaking of personal training, our rates have decreased $10/session throughout the rest of the year. This is a special offer coinciding with the expansion of our new facility.
We are in discussion about offering our
Endorphin Fitness Challenge once again after New Years. If you are at all interested, let me know! We need to hear from YOU about this program! New services and challenges will be offered in this program, including online food journals, weekly workout challenges, and point tracking. Points will be given to those who complete the weekly nutrition and exercise challenges. Whoever accumulates the most amount of points over the 12-week challenge will earn a grand prize. In previously challenges, winners have received gift cards, personal training sessions, and even a new bike! Please let me know if you’re interested.
Thank you for everything. As always, don’t hesitate to email me with any questions you may have. I look forward to hearing from you!
Here's a look at some of what we have in mind, more of a visual for ya!
Lance shows us his kettle bell swings |
Jeans mandatory, shirt optional |
Please leave a comment and let us know what you think!