So it's been a couple weeks since my last update, and I can only attribute that to being VERY busy. We finally opened our street front expansion at work, bringing in a lot of business. I am working anywhere from 12-14 hours a's starting to wear on me! Most days I do get a nice break in the middle of the day where I can catch a nap. On top of that, I started up class at VCU again. I am taking 4 credit hours in Physics 202 to complete all my prerequisites for physical therapy school. Oh, and I also started my own physical therapy...
So I have a wonderful physical therapist, Mia Ronson. I am very comfortable with her, she is very personable, spends a good amount of time with me, and knows what she's talking about. I've been to PT four times, and each has brought something new. Day one at PT was all about the consultation and initial evaluation. I passed with flying colors. My hamstring flexibility and quad strength and tone has never really changed (despite some atrophy).
Left leg undergoing some atrophy. Edema still present. |
I think Mia and the tech's were slightly impressed with my progress just 3 weeks out of surgery. My second session was much of the same, as we were still trying to protect that healing graft and the surgically altered patellar tendon from which the graft was harvested.
Left knee cap. 3 1/2 inch scar, and a smaller 1 inch scar on the medial side. |
The most exciting thing that's happened to me since starting therapy has to be getting on the stationary bike! I will try to capture some video next time I'm at PT. Even if it was at zero resistance, at a high seat level (to minimize flexion), and only for five minutes, it gave me hope of things to come. Felt good to get that leg working again, even at a low level. I can't imagine what will happen when I get cleared to finally run again. I will either cry, laugh, or pass out from shear over stimulation. I haven't run one time since May 6th, 2010. That's 4 months!! A long time considering I've been running ever since I can remember on a consistent basis.
This coming week I have two therapy sessions scheduled, as well as my 1 month post-op visit with Dr. Herring. I'm optimistic he'll clear me from wearing my brace, as it truly is a hassle. It runs from my groin all the way to my ankle and weighs as much as a log.
Here are some pics for better comparison between my leg pre- and post-op.
Pre-Op Left Leg Flexed 1 month prior to surgery |
1 month Post-Op Left Leg Flexed |
I am very thankful for all the support from my friends and family with my rehab process! Thank you. I will be trying my best to update my blog every day!
See you soon.
Susan Ann