After much debate and rescheduling, my ACL reconstructive surgery is set for Thursday, August 12th. There had been some changes with the original dates, but now we have it set in stone. I'm not nervous about the surgery itself, just the rehab after. Then again, who am I kidding? I love testing my limits and pushing myself, so rehab may be the best part. I have a high pain tolerance AND I've already filled my prescription for percocet. Could be interesting.
I've already informed my sister to tag along so she can video tape me waking up from anesthesia. She has my permission to mess with me and try to instigate while I'm still under the influence. We may have another youtube hit..."Is this real life?" only 64 million hits.
The type of ACL reconstruction I'm having is done using the patellar tendon. They remove the middle 1/3rd portion of the tendon, and use bone plugs to lace it back through the center of the knee joint to form your 'new' ACL. I've been told this is the strongest and most reliable method, and the recovery time is less compared to other options.
So, for more of a visual, this will be what my knee looks like on Thursday afternoon...
Ouch! :-O
I will have nothing better to do with my time post-op then to update my blog. I will post pics, hopefully they won't be too disgusting. Wish me luck. Only 18 months until I'm 100%...
And now for a slew of pictures that sum up how I'm feeling pre-op.

This is just funny.

This proves how insignificant this surgery is, in the scheme of things.



One for good measure.