Friday, August 13, 2010
The road to recovery begins
The support and well wishes have been overwhelming.  I want to thank everyone for that.  In times like this, when you're really down and out, you see who will truly be by your side!  I've gotten phone calls from numerous friends and family members, and it is all much appreciated.

So, most of you want to know the intricate details from yesterday...well here it goes.

I arrived at the hospital at 6:45 am, where I promptly signed in and filled out all of my pre-op paper work.  I was eventually guided to a room/bed in the pre-op preparation area where I was prepped and ready to go.  That's when the fun started.  My anesthesia team came in my room and had me fill out some paper work regarding liability, etc.  They then preceded to give me a couple nerve blocks, one each sciatic and femoral nerves respectively.  These are awesome.  It literally paralyzed me from the hip to my ankle.  You may be thinking to yourself, "Why would I ever want to be paralyzed?"  Well, for an ACL surgery YOU DO.  No feeling what so ever.  It was great.  The nerve block finally wore off this morning, and with that came the pain.

Right after the nerve blocks, my parents were allowed to sit with me right before I was taken back.  We took a quick video to capture the moment:

When it was time to go, I was wheeled back to the OR.  I saw some familiar faces before being put under general anesthesia; my anesthesia team, surgeon, etc.  After trying to crack some unfunny jokes, I promptly said "Good night" to my crew.  The following video was taken about an hour after waking up from anesthesia, long after the operation was completed:

I want to thank my surgeon, Dr. Marion "Moose" Herring, and his great surgical team.  I always felt like I was in great hands.  You can tell he is passionate about what he does, and he does a great job of making you feel comfortable every step of the way.  I have the pleasure of keeping in contact with him, as he is one of our finest triathletes at Endorphin Fitness, and I am excited about the chance to possibly work with him.

As for me, I am sitting on my couch in a full leg immobilizer.  This brace runs from my ankle to my hip, and right now is set to allow zero bend.  I am not allowed to remove the brace until Sunday, and not allowed to shower until Wednesday!  Don't worry, I'll make sure I "wash up" best I can!!  

I want to reiterate how appreciative I am for everyone showing so much support, it is a lot easier making it through the pain when I have a great support group cheering me on.  Thank you.

Keep checking back to, or this blog, to get an update on my post-op check up visit with Dr. Herring on 8/18/10 (Wednesday), as well as my first visit to physical therapy.  No worries!

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