Hey guys, just had my first doctor's appointment since the surgery. I have attached videos, take a look at what went down in the consultation room!
So, as you guys could see, things went very well. For those that didn't care to watch, the video shows my first interaction with my surgeon, Dr. Herring, since he operated on my knee August 12th. I am ahead of schedule in my recovery process, as I have already achieved a 90 degree bend and reestablished strength and function in my quadriceps. Because of this progess, I am able to delay the start of physical therapy, since they'd be working on achieving those two goals during the first week. Great news!
My pain level has slowly started to increase. The pain isn't coming from my incisions or wounds, per se, but coming from all of the bruising and fluid drainage. My entire lower leg is a nice shade of yellowish-purple (is that even a color), and touching the skin is unbearable. This pain should subside in about a week. I was on percocet, but after breaking out into a pimple-like rash on my chest and back, we've switch pain meds to Tramadol/Ultram. Hopefully this will manage the pain and not illicit an allergic reaction.
In other news, I want to congratulate the Youth/Elite Triathlon team from Endorphin Fitness, who just competed in the Youth/Elite National Championship in San Diego, California. Way to go guys, we are very proud of you and your training progress. Visit
http://endorphinfitness.com/ for more details.
As always, thanks for reading/watching. I will be uploading my story, videos, and images next week for my 2 week post-op appointment, where they will be taking my sutures out and prescribe physical therapy. That is strength.