Yesterday I had my two week checkup with Dr. Herring and company. The overall asumption at this point is that my knee is strengthening and healing up nicely. The big excitement this time around was the removal of my 5 sutures. Out of the five, the first four came our rather easily. The fifth one was a different story. This suture was one long contiuous strand, about 8 inches long, entering just above my knee cap and exiting just below it. Not quite sure what its purpose was, but I can tell you it hurt like hell coming out. Very painful, burning sensation. Seems as if they had to pull it through skin/scab/wound....not good. I was also cleared to start putting 100% body weight on my leg, using crutches sparingly. After more discussion, he prescribed me physical therapy, which I start on Monday morning. Here is the video from yesterday's appointment
In other news, I started back to work on Tuesday. So glad to get back in and off my feet. Laying on the couch gets old pretty quick, especially for someone with such a high activity level.
Look for updates soon, considering physical therapy starts Monday at 8:15am! Lets do this.
That is strength.