Monday, June 14, 2010
Getting back into the swing of things
Not to jinx myself, by knee has been feeling pretty good.  And by that, I mean it feels managable.  No where near an uninjured knee, but I am finally starting to get around on it without much difficulty.  This has allowed me to get back into my normal routines, and for the first time in the past two months, that is a big sigh of relief.

On May 28th, I sat for an examination to become a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS), and I just got the results.  I passed.  This is the gold standard cert for the strength and conditioning world, and it adds significant weight to both my resume and PT school application.  If everything goes according to plan, it will be well worth the $500 and countless hours of study for the exam.

I have narrowed my choices of PT schools I am applying to to atleast 3 definates: VCU, ODU, and The Ohio State University.  Others I am thinking about include in-state schools: Shenandoah U, Hampton U, Marymount U; and out-of-state schools: Florida, Miami, UNC, Duke, UMD, and Texas among others.  Figure if I go out of state it might as well be somewhere nice.  I'm not so worried about getting in as I am about doing well in the program.  I know I am qualified enough for acceptance somewhere, and I hope someone gives me the chance.  Applications are due (typically) by November 1st.  With the classes I am taking this summer, all I really need is to take the GRE's to finalize my apps.

In other news...I am coaching baseball again.  I am an assistant coach for Midlothian American Legion Post 186.  This is the same team/organization I played on that traveled to Iowa for the AL World Series back in 2006.  We are off to a good start this year, going 2-0 in our first weekend of play.  We can straight up mash, scoring 21 runs in two games.  Exciting stuff.

More to come...!

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